Friday, January 15, 2010

A Life Time inThe First 5 Minutes.....

EVERYDAY! Start your day off in a good place. In every instance that there is an opportunity to begin a meeting, phone call, personal conversation, or interaction of any type, make sure that the first five minutes of that event are initiated with a positive mind set and anticipation of success.

This is the meaning behind “The 1st 5 Minutes.” After speaking about this concept on many occasions with groups and individuals, I can guarantee that we all find ourselves in situations that are not perfect, that are uncomfortable, and that we would even consider running away from if we could. Depending on your personality type, this happens more to some than others.

The results of these situations can be varied along a broad spectrum of outcomes, but depending on what you are trying to achieve, they can be categorized into two large buckets. SUCCESS or FAILURE.

What is really exciting about the idea of the first five minutes is that YOU have a conscious choice to start on a path of success at every moment of the day, and YOU can change a misguided direction at any time.

It is our human nature to seek out interaction with others, and it is also human nature to gravitate to what is comfortable or feels good. Understanding this, it makes sense that if we start all of our engagements in a manner that is complementary or inviting, they will result in great experiences for everyone.

I can admit that I have not always been good at this. In fact I know that there were times spans when I started each day with a very bad outlook. The key is to be able to recognize those times, evaluate what happened as a result of them and learn how it could have worked out better.

Once you have done that, make a commitment to yourself to change. Try starting each day inspired and grateful in the knowledge that GOD has given YOU great gifts to share. Do it and think about it every time you act on it. Take a mental measurement of the reactions you get back and how the relationships you have are improving.

I challenge you to go a full day, then a full week and then a month. The 1st 5 minutes WILL add up, and become a lifetime of powerful inspiration. Let me know your story of success, and share it with others.

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